Sunday, July 10, 2011


Complex are the methods of mosquitoes detecting their host. We have no tried and true evidence of why they will attack some and never seem to bother others. If we understood this we would be better equipped to avoid them.
Trying to avoid mosquitoes by steering clear of bushes, fields, woods, when they are active is impossible for most of us. Especially if you love to garden like me. Mosquitoes are attracted to dark color clothing and foliage.You can distract them by burning a candle or incense. Outside you may want to build a fire. Smoke from these will deter our scent. They seek us out by following the trail of carbon dioxide we leave. Lactic acid is released from our bodies when we eat certain foods such as salty or foods that are high in potassium. Exercise also increases the chance of being bit. You should try to avoid this activity as best as you can before going outside.

I am not a big fan of DEET. Although it works well, it is very poisonous to all living things. Preferring to use essential oils, I have just finished posting herbal remedies to help avoid them.
Herbal repellents have to be applied every now and then to stay effective. I would say every hour or so.

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